House comp 2017 - the results

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Massive thanks to everyone who came down today for another excellent House Comp. We were loving the happy happy vibe this year, with so much positivity and phenomenal skating. Everyone pushed it from the smaller shredders to the pro/ sponsored. It was a big thrill to see our first ever Girls Comp at The House go down so perfectly, with everyone getting behind it – the high standard of the skating was a great pay-off. And what else can we say that hasn't already been said about Ben Broyd shutting down the park by clinching the gap, not that the crowd gave him much choice. So props to everyone who came down, to The House staff, to those who skated and won and those who came close, to Ben and Horsey from Sidewalk, Vale Skatemag and all who filmed, facebooked and instagramed their way through the day. We owe you posterity. Cheers to our sponsors and to everyone who paid up and tucked in to the food stall's great offerings. We'll let you know how much you raised for the work of SkatePal once the total's in.

Next year The House will be the big 20, and we'll be celebrating in all sorts of crazy ways including the Comp, so for those of you who couldn't make it, next year will be a biggie. For those who came down, see you next year. THE HOUSE STAFF.


The Results:

12 and Under

  1. Tom Keatman

  2. Will Oxspring

  3. Eddie Lowe


16 and Under

  1. Joe Cordingley

  2. Logan Dell

  3. Lewis Blower


Over 16:

  1. Will Lester

  2. Jay Bex

  3. Tom Wildblood


Girls Comp

  1. Anita Arvy

  2. Freya Brooks

  3. Lola T.


Pro / Sponsored

  1. Ben Broyd

  2. Jordan Sharkey

  3. Miles Rushforth

House Skatepark Girls Sessions


We have teamed up with the House Skatepark and Santa Cruz to bring 6 fortnightly girls sessions, every other Saturday night starting September 9th!

Beginners are totally welcome - everyone is super friendly so if you need a hand with something, just ask!

As an incentive to come along each time, those who attend all 6 sessions will receive a goody bag! 😎


9th September
23rd September
7th October
21st October
4th November
18th November


*Sessions will cost £5 for the three hour skate and safety equipment / skateboards are available to hire*

See you there!

House Comp 2017

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After the razzmatazz of last year's epic live-streamed House Comp we're heading back to our roots this year with an old skool comp, brought to you by folks who know what 'back in the day' really means. We're going classic on the comp experience this year, gearing up for a day that's all about getting together for some great skateboarding and general good times.

House Comp will be on Saturday, 16th September, and as always it's just £5 to skate or spectate for the whole day. We'll be back to our familiar comp structure, with events for 12 and Under, 16 and Under, Over 16 and Pro / Sponsored skaters. And as a House first, we'll be holding a Girl's Comp in collaboration with the mighty Girl Skate UK. There'll also be a Best Trick event on a new 'mystery' piece, unveiled on Comp day.

The park opens at 10am with the Comp starting at 12.30. Spots to compete are available on a first come, first served basis, so we suggest getting here in good time to get your name down.

We've some fine sponsors this year with Death, Landscape, Bones, Alien Workshop, Heroin, Story, Kurb Krusher and Bones Bearings weighing in with some quality merch for winners and runners up, alongside Slugger, and Avit. Plus there'll be cash prizes up for grabs for the Pro / Sponsored event. And we'll be cooking in the car park again, with profits from food sold going to skateboarding charity SkatePal. So dust off your Koston 2s, get nailing those frontside noseslides and you're good to go. See you there.


Holiday Opening Times

Holiday times are nearly upon us so to keep you and yours entertained throughout from Mon 24th July until Sunday 3rd September we'll be open 11 while 9 weekdays and 10 while 9 weekends.